Sunday, December 11, 2011

Open Letter to Honourable Mrs Sheila Bapoo, Minister of Social Security Mauritius

OPEN LETTER TO HONOURABLE SHEILA BAPPOO: The stand of the Ministry of Social Security of Mauritius is the main reason behind the constant discrimination and injustice I was and I am still subject because the Ministry failed to distinguish between a State’s responsibilities towards a disabled in relation to the United Nation Conventional Rights of People with Disabilities and the political agenda of a Government in power (The Labour Party Government). I am a victim of POLITICAL MANIPULATION BECAUSE THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN DISCRIMINATORY DECISIONS AGAINST ME ARE POLITICALLY PROTECTED BUT MY CONVENTIONAL DISABILITY RIGHTS MUST PREVAIL….I WILL NEVER BACK DOWN AND THE THREAT OF THE GREATEST HUNGER STRIKE IN MAURITIUS IS ON.  Through the National Policy Paper and Action Plan the State of Mauritius is supposed to intervene to protect my conventional rights through the Minister or Disability Unit of the Ministry of Social Security or the TEDPB and clearly not through (THE LABOUR PARTY GOVERNMENT).  As highlighted in my Legal Notice (Mise en Demeure—AS AVAILABLE ON MY BLOG) disability rights measures (I.e De-facto equality measures) are applied to other people who are NOT DISABLED but politically protected such as the current FIELD OFFICER who is now acting as special advisor of the Minister of Agro Industry who is himself very close to the Prime Minister.  The Equal Opportunities Act appears to be underway towards presidential assent but this law cannot be applied in retrospective, this imply that the law cannot be applied to breach that took place before it was enacted.  So far the Ministry of social Security did not intervene to protect my rights, instead they wrote a letter to the MSA signed by Mr Choytun to ask for a report on me when the same MSA misled parliament in my case as shown in my blog titled Why should a complete Conventional Disability Rights be implemented within our legal system in Mauritius? and available at
A humble request is hereby made to everybody including the public, the local and international media to help me vehicle the required information during the next six month before, during and after my hunger strike which will be broadcasted on YouTube, moreover local and international media will be invited to undertake the coverage.  I am asking the Minister and Ministry of Social Security three things:
(1)    Mauritius should ratify the Optional Protocol of the United Nation Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in order to allow Mauritians disabled to file case before the United Nations Commission in regard to the breach of their rights.
(2)    My Promotion to the post of Information Scientist and then to Information System Manager after the reform of the Mauritius Sugar Authority immediately or a transfer of my years of service to the MRA or EM as highlighted in my open  letter to the Minister below.
(3)    The implementation within the next six month of a national legislation that will bring home the rights enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Those who know me well are fully aware that I will never give up, and if in this quest something happened to me, it should be remembered that a valiant soul never dies and the fight for the implementation of disability rights and the need to drive out malevolent minds out of parliaments should go on and on forever so as to prevent a new bright mind or a new Mervyn Anthony of the disabled community to be victim of their evil actions again.  INJUSTICE ANYWHERE IS A THREAT TO JUSTICE EVERYWHERE: WHO KNOWS TODAY IT IS ME BUT TOMORROW IT MAY BE ONE OF YOU OR ONE OF THOSE CLOSE TO YOU, SO IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP THE TRUTH TO TRIUMPH.  JUST THINK WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE IN MY PLACE?  SO, LET JUSTICE BE DONE THOUGH THE HEAVEN THAT MAY FALL……..

Honourable Sheila Bapoo
Minister of Social Security and National Solidarity
Seeneevassen Bldg
Port Louis

Dear Madam,

With reference to my open letter to the Prime Minister on 22 August 2010 which was enhanced on 1st May 2011 to maximize visibility in relation to the tremendous injustices I have been subject at the Mauritius Sugar Authority (MSA) due to the breach of my Conventional Disability rights through “POLITICALLY PROTECTED DECISIONS” made by the MSA Management and MSA Board.  In fact I have been denied two promotions during my last eleven years in employment.  I have been discriminatively been denied accessibility to 100% sponsorship for my studies contrary to other officers and the payment of my additional incremental credits was malevolently delayed until the matter was taken to parliament and the MSA was forced to pay me under pressure after years of delay that management failed to justify.

In regards to the first promotion to the post of Executive Officer which I have been denied in spite of my competencies and qualifications the injustices were tremendous since I have been officially ask for fifteen years of services in order to be eligible for this post. I was by far the most qualified and competent officer of the MSA to handle the revitalization of the documentation department of the MSA with the implementation of an up to date Information System within the central strategic operations which would have been highly beneficial to all the stakeholders of the sugar industry.  Today the MSA is still operating in a bureaucratic mode of paper operations without an integrated and effective Information System due to the lack of competence of those who are handling senior management issues.  After being unjustly denied my first promotion, I officially asked to be promoted to the vacant post of Information Scientist which was again denied to me in spite of my expertise in the field of the Information Systems within the Sugar Industry. 

In spite of the fact that the MSA was going “ULTRA VIRES” with the constant breach of my right and ahead of all in spite of the fact that the MSA misled parliament in relation to the post highlighted in my blog, the Ministry of Social Security asked the MSA for a report on me in a letter signed by Mr Choytun.  Instead of defending me and protecting my Conventional Rights through the National Action Plan, the Ministry asked for a report on me from an organization who had the gut to mislead parliament due to the fact that the decision makers of the MSA are clearly politically protected and are acting like though they own my rights with their stand which reflects GOUVERNEMENT DAN NOU LA MAIN. You are kindly requested to take note that all my blog posts highlighting the injustices I was subject at the MSA are attached in the binded document herewith for your attention and comprise of the following title:

Kindly note that in my quest for justices my blogs are marketed constantly online day in and day out.  I am hereby attracting your attention that I am very seriously planning for a HUNGER STRIKE with high international coverage at the mid of 2012 or even before depending on the stand of your Ministry and that of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board.  Your attention is hereby attracted on the fact that this is a public commitment proof and due to my physical disability I will probably not be able to hold for more than one week.  You must be aware that “the disabled citizen Mervyn Anthony is a symbol in himself” and as a disability activist of the light I will never back down and even if doctors ask me to give up, once the hunger strike starts I will never give up and my soul will never die anyway.  You are hereby requested to intervene promptly to solve the problem regarding my immediate promotion to a senior management position as Information System Manager at the Mauritius Sugar Authority or a transfer to the Mauritius Revenue Authority for the vacant position of Team Leader (HR and Training) or that of Sector Manager at Enterprise Mauritius which I applied for and I am very qualified and competent to meet the requirements to handle the tasks attached to one of these senior management jobs.  In regard to the MRA and the EM which are Equal Opportunity Employers, your Ministry can intervene on the basis of the National Policy Paper and Action Plan on Disability to support my right of access to DE-FACTO EQUALITY MEASURES which are positive discrimination measures for my accessibility to one of these jobs.  This is necessary because due to my disability I am very often disadvantaged during the first job screening process where I am automatically eliminated because I am often told that I don’t fill the criteria of the selected profile as a mean to get rid of me.  My disability should by no mean make me inferior to the selected criteria to jobs for which I possess the qualifications, skills and competencies to emerge as a brilliant performer.  The hunger strike may start sooner than planned if your Ministry, the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board fail to do the needful in due course for my right of accessibility to a Senior Management position to be respected by these parastatal bodies. 

The online marketing of my blog will go on and on till the start of the hunger strike and I am currently recruiting benevolent to help me spread the NEWS online within and beyond Mauritius via Facebook, YouTube, Hi5, Twitter and the local and international media. To view my blog online you may wish to click the link below:
Should you wish to contact me, I can be reached via my email address at: or via sms on (230) 7732572.

Yours Faithfully

Mervyn Anthony CM, PgtDip,MBA

Why did I asked former minister of social security to resign and what has the reporter I entrusted my interview failed to publish?

FIRST POSTED ON December 7, 2011

In the mid of July 2011, I liased with a reporter in connection with the injustices I was subject in regard to the breach of my Conventional Disability Rights by the Mauritius Sugar Authority and at the same time asking the former Minister of Social Security to resign but unfortunately priorities were given to politicians as usual when it comes to questions and answers interview. Therefore my struggles for the heavenly cause of disability rights did not get the visibility it deserve. However I will not disclose the name of the reporter and the newspaper he works for just because in my quest for justice and the implementation of disability rights, I am supposed to practice forgiveness in accordance with my values, in the same way I have forgiven everybody involved in the injustices I was and I am still subject. In my struggles for the heavenly cause of disability rights I am just trying to prove the extent of the injustices I have been subject and behind which many others may be subject too. However as an activist of the light and hope for disability rights I am just striving for a worthy cause but I am not judging and it is not my duty to judge, very soon you will all see the triumph of the divine justice here on earth itself However the struggle is still on and I am faithful that I shall overcome. For those who wish to read it, my answers to the questions are available below:
1.Pourquoi réclamez-vous la démission de la Ministre de la Sécurité Sociale Madame Leela Devi Dookhun Luchoomun?
Le dernier entretien de la Ministre dans le numéro 31 du journal DIME D’Amnesty International est inacceptable.  Je tiens à préciser qu’en absence d’une loi implémentant le droit conventionnel des handicapés dans l’ile, la ministre est supposée d’être la ‘guardian in chief’ pour protéger le droit des handicapés mais hélas elle s’est contentée de justifier l’injustifiable en essayant de contourner l’attention par rapport a l’inefficacité purement visible de son ministère et du supposé programme gouvernemental 2010-2015.  Pire depuis qu’elle est en poste, rien n’a été fait pour l’implémentation du droit conventionnel des handicapés.  Actuellement, à cause de l’inefficacité et l’ignorance ministérielle, l’état n’a aucune obligation légale d’implémenter ces droits ni de s’assurer que le droit conventionnel des handicapés soit respecté.  Conséquemment, Maurice n’a aucun devoir légal envers les Nations Unies lorsque le droit conventionnel des handicapés dans l’ile est bafoué, ceci pour la simple raison que Maurice a tout simplement ratifié la Convention du droit des handicapés mais pas le protocole optionnel de la dite Convention comme stipulée dans la lettre que j’ai reçue des Nations Unies en 2009 et qui laisse entrevoir qu’il fallait impérativement que l’état ratifie également le protocole optionnel pour que les droits des handicapés cités dans la Convention soient ‘binding on the state’.  Le gouvernement qui représente l’état a une obligation morale de ratifier le protocole optionnel.  Je tiens à préciser une fois pour toute que le programme gouvernemental pour les handicapés n’est pas une législation et donc pas un droit.  Je refuse que mes droits conventionnels en tant qu’handicapé soit délégué aux politiciens et aux fonctionnaires en terme de programme gouvernemental car valeurs actuelles les fonctionnaires peuvent facilement être influencés par des décisions politiques venant en haut lieu de la hiérarchie gouvernementale.  D’ailleurs, l’incapacité de la Rehabilitation Unit et du Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board d’assumer leurs devoirs par rapport aux injustices que j’ai subies au niveau de l’emploi est la preuve de l’inefficacité de ces institutions.  Le fait que la ministre a essayé de cacher l’inefficience du système de recrutement dans la fonction publique en parlant de transparence est inacceptable.  La vérité est que s’il y avait vraiment de transparence et de méritocratie, j’aurai été un des directeurs d’une grande institution paraétatique aujourd’hui car une personne moins qualifiée et de surcroit moins compétente que moi m’a devancé avec l’appui des protections occultées et coup de théâtre le responsable/directeur de la « Rehabilitation Unit » à justifier mon échec d’etre nommer a un «SENIOR MANAGEMENT POSITION» à cause de mon « speech impairment ».  Et pourtant devant une audience où il n’y  a pas de bruit de véhicules je me suis toujours battu pour faire passer la communication ceci que ce soit en anglais, français ou créole.  Mon efficacité peut se vérifier sur la vidéo de mon discours comme le gagnant de JCI Outstanding Young Person of Mauritius 2010 disponible sur mes comptes facebook et YouTube.  Bientôt le public pourra témoigner de mon efficacité à faire passer la communication ainsi que l’ampleur de mes compétences à travers mes séminaires (déjà disponible partiellement sur YouTube).  Parler de transparence à ce niveau est complètement « misleading » de la part de la ministre.  Le gouvernement doit d’abord donner le bon exemple en apportant une reforme en profondeur dans le système de recrutement des handicapés à tous les niveaux dans les corps paraétatiques.  Nous sommes en 2011 et malgré le fait que l’ile Maurice dispose de réelles compétences chez les handicapés, on ne retrouve même pas un handicapé à la tête du Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board.  La ministre parle de programme gouvernemental pour promouvoir le respect de nos droits et pourtant malgré le fait qu’elle a été sollicitée pour contrecarrer les discriminations donc je suis sujet à la Sugar Authority, elle n’a rien pu faire.  L’erreur est humaine mais trop c’est trop et comme elle ne laisse toujours pas entrevoir une volonté d’implémenter notre droit conventionnel dans l’ile elle doit démissionner.  La révolte est claire et les handicapés en ont marre d’être menés en bateau.  Déjà, les dernières indications laissent entrevoir que la résistance s’organise et je félicite Amnesty Mauritius de s’intéresser à notre sort.  La cause que je défends est digne et noble car le droit des handicapés n’a pas de prix.
2.      Pourquoi l’état doit implémenter le droit conventionnel des handicapés dans le système légal Mauricien ?
Les handicapés font partie de la population la plus pauvre de l’Ile  et dans leur grosse majorité ils doivent se contenter uniquement de leur pension d’invalidité pour survivre.  Ils sont victimes d’une sous-estimation et d’une discrimination systématique dans toutes les sphères de la société, ceci à cause d’un obstacle mental qui fait accroire aux gens que les handicapés sont des nuls.  Je parle en connaissance de cause car ces obstacles, sous-estimations et discriminations je les ai vécus à mes dépens.  Je me suis battu contre vents et marrées pour sortir de l’anonymat et me débarrasser de ces obstacles et je suis parvenu à trouver la voix de la lumière de fort belle manière à travers ma foi qui m’a permis de devenir le premier handicapé de l’ile portant un triple handicap à obtenir une Maitrise en Administration des Affaires et ce n’est pas tout car ma lutte à tous les niveaux m’ont permis d’enlever non seulement le titre de la ‘JCI Outstanding Young Person of Mauritius 2010’ mais également à devenir après vingt cinq ans d’histoire le deuxième Mauricien à avoir été élu dans le cercle tres fermé des trente finalistes de la très prestigieuse ‘JCI 10 Outstanding Young Person of the World 2010’.  Malgré toute ma force et ma détermination, voila maintenant que je vois un nouvel obstacle comprenant les agissements souvent malveillants des politiciens ainsi que ceux des fonctionnaires du ministère de la sécurité sociale se dresser sur ma route à travers une tentative de l’armada comprenant ces politiciens et fonctionnaires pour justifier que l’actuel situation est bonne pour l’épanouissement des handicapés dans l’ile et que l’implémentation du droit conventionnel complète des handicapés n’est pas une nécessité.  Je tiens à préciser que si les droits conventionnels des handicapés sont aujourd’hui au cœur même de l’administration des droits de  l’homme des Nations Unies ce n’est nullement le fruit du hasard.  En effet c’est un triomphe universel qui porte le fruit des décennies de lutte intense des handicapés à travers le monde.  L’implémentation du droit conventionnel dans son intégralité sera un moyen sur pour notre émancipation constante et renforcera la lutte contre les injustices et les discriminations.  Ces droits conventionnels donneront lieu à l’implémentation d’une ‘DISABILITY RIGHTS COMMISSION’ avec le pouvoir nécessaire pour forcer le respect du droits des handicapés et celle-ci soutenue par la loi qui fonctionnera de la même façon que L’American with Disabilities Act soutenu par un programme logique de l’état.  Et si un handicapé n’est pas satisfait il peut poursuivre ceux qui l’ont soumis à des injustices personnellement ou faire une demande d’assistance légale à l’état afin de protéger ses droits en Cour Suprême.  Actuellement, les injustices subies par les handicapés sont entre les mains des fonctionnaires qui décident en toute discrétion.  Ceci est totalement inacceptable car je suis la preuve que la Rehabilitation Unit du ministère de la sécurité sociale a elle-même été le plus grand obstacle pour le respect de mes droits. A titre d’exemple la Mauritius Sugar Authority a bafoué mes droits en justifiant les injustices que j’ai subi en allant jusqu’à manipuler les réponses aux questions parlementaires portant le numéro B/612 concernant mon cas en Novembre 2010 et adressées par l’honorable Madame Françoise Labelle au ministre l’honorable Shakeel Mohamed.  Coup de théâtre la Rehabilitation Unit du Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale a écrit à la MSA pour demander un rapport sur mon cas, au lieu de défendre fermement mes droits le ministère demande un rapport.  Comment peut-on s’attendre à un rapport objectif, impartial et juste de la part de la MSA sur moi quand cette même MSA a été capable d’induire le parlement en erreur de façon malveillante en allant jusqu’à dire que mon MBA est «IRRELEVANT» pour mon poste malgré le fait qu’il demeure la deuxième plus haute qualification selon la National Qualification Framework et qui de surcroit est une des meilleures qualifications pour soutenir le développement de mes compétences et mon développement de carrière.  La réponse du ministre Mohamed que je vais bientôt poster sur mon blog en dit long.  Pour toutes ces raisons, il est impératif d’implémenter le droit conventionnel des handicapés dans l’ile car c’est toute la communauté des handicapés qui va bénéficier.
3.      Pourquoi l’état n’a aucune obligation immédiate entourant l’implémentation de ces droits conventionnels?
Suite à ma plainte au bureau de la Commission des Droits de l’homme des Nations Unies en 2009, les Nations Unies m’ont fait savoir qu’ils apprécient mes efforts dans ma quête de justice mais ils ne sont pas en mesure de m’aider parce que l’ile Maurice a toute simplement ratifié la Convention et elle n’a toujours pas encore ratifié le protocole optionnel.  A ce stade, si l’ile Maurice avait ratifié le protocole optionnel j’aurai pu accentuer la pression pour revoir le contenu de l’Equal Opportunities Act avec l’implémentation du droit conventionnel des handicapés dans la dite législation.  Je sais que très peu de gens auraient eu le courage de faire ce que je suis en train de faire actuellement.  Toutefois rien n’est encore définitif et j’ai le courage, la flamme et la foi requis pour me battre jusqu’au bout et au delà de tout, par la grâce du tout puissant je n’ai même pas peur car la foi de Mervyn Anthony est une flamme qui n’arrêtera jamais de briller.
4.      Comment les parents et amis des autrement capables peuvent-t-ils aider à renforcer ces droits conventionnels et pourquoi nous sommes tous concernés?
Les parents et amis des autrement capables doivent se mobiliser et ils n’ont pas le droit moral de laisser envenimer les choses car il y va tout l’avenir des handicapés de l’ile Maurice.  J’irai même plus loin pour dire que toute l’ile Maurice est concernée.  En effet, il ne faut pas oublier qu’être handicapé relève d’un mystère naturel qui a touché, touche et touchera n’importe quelle famille.  Ce n’est pas parce qu’il n’y a aucun handicapé dans votre famille que vous devrez ignorer que les handicapés de l’ile ont besoin de votre soutien.  Au nom de la justice divine, n’attendez pas pour agir et joignez-vous à moi sur facebook pour mener la lutte.  Vous les parents contribuables vous continuez à payer la taxe et la TVA à la hauteur de 15% sur presque tous vos achats et pourtant l’ile Maurice a plus d’une trentaine d’années de retard à rattraper en termes de droits des handicapés.  C’est incroyable qu’en 2011 le Rehabilitation Act 1973 des Etats Unis soit bien plus fort que l’unique législation gouvernant les handicapés dans l’ile à savoir le Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996.  Pour vous convaincre de votre devoir de soutenir la cause des handicapés je vous met devant les faits: chaque gouvernement qu’on voit au pouvoir nous embarque pour être mené en bateau alors qu’on voit des politiciens impliqués dans des scandales financiers sur scandales financiers, l’état n’a pas d’argent pour donner aux handicapés paraplégiques des fauteuils roulants motorisés, l’état doit se contenter des dons des appareils auditifs gratuits de la firme Starkey de l’Inde et n’a pas d’argent pour investir dans l’achat des appareils auditifs sophistiques sur le marché international ou encore dans l’achat des ordinateurs à braille pour tous les malvoyants.  Pire encore, dans l’éditorial du journal DIME D’Amnesty Mauritius Mlle Arthi Burthoni fait ressortir qu’elle est détentrice d’un LLB et que le secteur privé dit ne pas avoir de finance pour mettre en place les facilités requises pour l’employer alors que le gouvernement aurait du venir de l’avant avec des fond puisés du fond de la Corporate Social Responsibility Fund par exemple et ceci afin de faciliter l’intégration des handicapés capable de travailler dans le secteur privé.  Cette histoire est la preuve que le Training and Employment of Disabled Person Board (TEDPB) n’est qu’un Bulldog sans dents et si je devais parler de toutes mes mésaventures à cause du ‘dormant state’ et de l’inefficacité du TEDPB on pourra surement faire imprimer un Best Seller.  Trop c’est trop et il est temps d’agir car l’état ne veut pas dépenser sur des handicapés et c’est pourquoi la ratification du protocole optionnel et la mise en place d’une législation implémentant le droit conventionnel dans l’ile se fait toujours attendre.  A ce stade, seule la voix du peuple peut faire bouger les choses ; soyez solidaire.  Il ne faut pas oublier que les politiciens n’ont jamais eu et n’auront jamais de pouvoir car seul le peuple en dispose car la voix du peuple c’est la voix de Dieu (VOX POPULI VOX DEI).
5.      Comment mes droits conventionnels ont été bafoués par la Mauritius Sugar Authority?
Mes droits conventionnels pour ma promotion et le sponsor, dont je suis légitimement éligible concernant l’emploi avec une protection qui est en partie disponibles dans le Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996, ont été bafoués par la Mauritius Sugar Authority.  Malgré toutes mes qualifications, mes compétences et ma rage de réussir, j’ai été victime de discriminations durant mes longues années de service avec des obstacles automatiques me faisant ‘PERSONNA NON GRATTA’ pour toutes les promotions avec une demande de quinze années de service pour un simple poste de Executive Officer se trouvant juste au dessus de celui du Clerical Officer ceci sans oublier que pour me mettre des bâtons dans les roues financièrement durant mes études on m’a bloqué l’accès aux paiements de mes vacation leaves non-pris et qu’on ne m’a toujours pas encore payer jusqu’à présent.  Pire, on m’avait bloqué le paiement de mes ‘additional incremental credits for additional qualifications’ pendant presque cinq ans. Il est à noter que le décaissement de seulement 50% m’a été fait de façon discriminatoire pour sponsoriser mes études alors que d’autres employés ont reçu 100% sans aucun obstacle.  Je tiens à préciser que sans l’intervention parlementaire de la députée L’Honorable Madame Françoise Labelle en Novembre 2010 ce décaissement n’aurait jamais été possible d’autant que ceux qui prennent les décision à la MSA se croient tout permis avec leur fameux protection ‘gouvernement dan nou lamain’.  Ce n’est pas tout :  comme j’ai fait préciser dans ma mise en demeure servie à la MSA il y a environ deux mois, au stade où on a bloqué ma promotion pour le senior management position de Information Scientist alors que je suis l’employé le plus compétent et qualifié dans le domaine du système informatique de l’industrie sucrière pour occuper cette position, l’actuel Deputy Executive Director a déjà reçu deux promotions pour passer d’Information Scientist à celui de Human Resources Manager/Information Scientist pour enfin devenir Deputy Executive Director.  Pire l’actuel Field Officer occupe un poste qui n’existe même pas dans l’organigramme ; après un restyling pas tout à fait logique et malgré le fait qu’il n’a aucune qualification professionnelle il touche un pactole mirobolant digne d’un Manager et il a donc bénéficié d’un eyewash promotion digne d’une mesure de discrimination positive qui aurait du revenir aux handicapés.  Comme vous pouvez voir, la discrimination que j’ai subi est intense et si seulement l’ile Maurice avait ratifié le protocole optionnel du droit conventionnel des Nation Unies pour les handicapés, j’aurai pu acculer le gouvernement devant les Nations Unies car le droit aux mesures de discriminations positives est clairement appliqué aux hommes proches du pouvoir politique au lieu des handicapés.  Je denonce carrement le silence du Premier Ministre dans cette affaire et son silence malgre mes solicitations ouvertes comme le prouve mes blog cache quelque chose d’autant que le Field Officer qui est egalement engagé dans la preparation des reponses parlementaires est egalement le conseiller du Ministre Faugoo que se trouve d’etre lui-même le collistier du Premier Ministre.  Cependant malgré mon handicap je tiens à préciser que j’ai les compétences et une motivation volcanique pour occuper le poste de Executive Director et je ne cherche pas de discrimination positive mais de la méritocratie.  Malgré tous ces coups bas et ces préjudices, ma motivation est toujours intacte car je suis sûr de moi et rien ni personne ne pourra diminuer ma foi car la force de la vérité et du Saint Esprit ne sera jamais vaine.
6       Qu’est ce qui s’est exactement passé par rapport aux questions parlementaires qui me concernent et impliquant mon employeur La Mauritius Sugar Authority ?
La Mauritius Sugar Authority a d’abord induit le parlement en erreur dans sa réponse soumise au ministre l’honorable Mohamed.  C’est ridicule pour le management de la Mauritius Sugar Authority d’avouer que mon MBA n’est pas ‘relevant’ pour mon job et cette position fait honte au pays.  Ce stand est tout simplement la preuve que la MSA avait un agenda malveillant pour me mettre des bâtons dans les roues.  Mon MBA est incontestablement la meilleure qualification professionnelle derrière un doctorat qui m’a permis de mettre les théories avancées dans le pratique réel du management avec des assignments de haut niveau pour relever les défis modernes dans les différentes fonctions de l’administration des affaires.  C’est uniquement a cause de ces injustices que je n’ai pas d’experience en senior management.  Par conséquent, pour compléter mon MBA j’ai pris presque cinq ans après avoir commencé au ‘foundation level’ et j’ai choisi ce programme d’étude parce que c’était la meilleure qualification qui allait promouvoir mon efficience et mon émancipation professionnelle pour soutenir mon plan de développement de carrière.  Ma foi, mon courage, ma détermination, mon énergie et mes ambitions inspirent beaucoup de mes amis et des gens qui m’approchent souvent pour me féliciter mais ca dérange clairement à la Sugar Authority d’où le fait que l’isolement et la discrimination que je suis sujet règnent constamment.  C’est vraiement l’enfer mais j’affiche toujours le sourire car je sais que par sa puissance le saint esprit fera ce qu’il doit faire.  La direction a cherché désespérément de me transférer au Registry pour me rendre inéligible pour le poste d’Information Scientist qui me revient de droit par rapport aux échelons de l’organigramme, mes compétences et mes qualifications.  Toutefois, je suis d’une autre trempe et sur cette terre on peut me mettre des bâtons dans les roues mais personne ne pourra ébranler ma foi parce que c’est par la grâce de Dieu que je suis ce que je suis et je resterai toujours sûr de moi.  D’ailleurs si Obama avait pensé que son élection peut déranger des gens il n’aurait jamais pu devenir le Président des Etat Unis.  Malheureusement pour moi car les prises de décisions ne sont pas impartiales et c’est la loi de la jungle qui règne à la MSA où seul les petits copains du pouvoir passent et la méritocratie n’a pas sa place.  Je suis victime de discrimination intense à cause de la protection politique occulte que bénéficie certaines personnes au sien de la Sugar Authority.  L’absence du Ministre Faugoo pour répondre aux questions parlementaires de la députée l’honorable Melle Deerpalsingh le mois dernier portant le numéro B/434 n’est pas innocent car si le ministre de l’Agro-industrie était au parlement au moment où les questions étaient posées, il aurait eu à confirmer si le Field Officer agit également comme son conseiller spécial.  Le fait que ce même Field Officer, qui était également un syndicaliste, participe aux prises de décision du management donne des frissons car il n’a pas les qualifications professionnelles requises pour évoluer à ce niveau.  D’ailleurs, le management a laissé entrevoir de nombreuses lacunes et un manque de professionnalisme derrière les injustices que j’ai subies.  Mais ce ne sera jamais suffisant pour arrêter le flamboyant créole autrement capable de l’ile Maurice.  Je suis d’ailleurs très loin de ce jeune de vingt trois ans qui vacillait au moindre coup bas qu’on lui portait.  J’ai beaucoup gagné en maturité et je sais que plus la lutte est longue et jonchée d’épines plus c’est une opportunité pour moi de grandir d’avantage et plus je continue de me battre dans le droit chemin je me rapprocherai un peu plus de Dieu.  D’ailleurs la vérité sera toujours soutenue par la nature et j’aurai le soutien de tous mes amis créoles, hindous, musulmans, blancs et tamouls et leur soutien sera comme une lumière unie pour me soutenir car dans le cœur et l’esprit de chaque être il y a le saint esprit qui est la voix de positivité, de paix et du bonheur de chaque être humain.  A la fin, la justice divine triomphera.
7.      Comment le Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale a failli à ses devoirs par rapport aux injustices que vous dites avoir été victime à la Sugar Authority ?
Le Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale est loin de jouer le jeu d’assurer une protection flexible pour les autrement capables comme la ministre veut faire accroire par rapport au sois disant programme gouvernemental 2010-2015.  Je suis la preuve de l’inefficacité du mode d’intervention du ministère et je refuse carrément que mes droits conventionnels soient gérés par des politiciens et des fonctionnaires d’autant que c’est très clair que dans leur prise de décision à mon égard ils ont été loin d’être impartiaux et objectifs.  Les fonctionnaires du ministère suivent la ligne directive occulte que leur imposent les politiciens.  Sinon comment expliquer les interventions ‘faire semblant’ qui ont souvent été fait avec des gants de velours et l’incapacité du ministère lui-même ainsi que celui du TEDPB de protéger mes droits comme stipulé dans le Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996.  A chaque fois qu’ils sont pointés du doigt la ministre, le gouvernement et les représentants du dossier s’engagent à justifier l’injustifiable en menant tout le monde en bateau en renvoyant la balle au secteur privé.  Comment voulez-vous que le secteur privé assume solidairement ses responsabilités alors que le ministère donne le mauvais exemple par rapport aux compagnies publiques et institutions parapubliques, comme le prouve l’intervention de la ministre Dookhun dans le magazine DIME numéro 31 D’Amnesty International.  La ministre veut faire accroire que seule le secteur privé a failli dans ses devoirs et que tout se fait dans la transparence concernant le droit des handicapés par les institutions parapubliques et gouvernementales.  Malheureusement pour elle car elle donne l’impression de croire que les handicapés sont vulnérables et seront incapables de lui donner la réplique et elle a oublié que dans la communauté des handicapés il a un certain Mervyn Anthony qui va se battre jusqu’au bout pour l’implémentation des droits conventionnels.  A ce stade je n’ai aucun doute que ma lutte triomphera.
8.      Qu’est ce que vous allez faire pour contrecarrer les injustices de la Mauritius Sugar Authority à a votre égard et quels sont vos futur projets ?
J’ai déjà fait servir une mise en demeure à la Sugar Authority il y a deux mois et désormais les démarches pour les prochaine etapes sont en cours.  Ainsi dans les semaines à venir on lancera les procédures pour la bataille en cour suprême.  Ce sera un peu David contre Goliath mais comme la justice divine triomphera c’est sur que David vaincra encore une fois par l’entremise de Mervyn Anthony.  Pour ce qui est de mes compétences je ferai honte à la Sugar Authority et au gouvernement lorsque j’organiserai très bientôt des séminaires a temps partiel en leadership et management durant les weekends et à titre de Freelancer.  L’ile Maurice bénéficiera grandement de mes compétences, mon leadership, ma capacité d’inspirer et de motiver  en tant que « one of the most outstanding speech impaired with mild dysarthria disability inspirational, motivational and spiritual keynotes speaker in the world ».  Du reste, ce sera très bénéfique pour l’émancipation et le développent des entreprises mauriciennes après la crise financière internationale et avec la globalisation en cours.  Je serai à coup sûr l’élément catalyseur de la ‘SUCCESS BOUM’ qu’attendent des individus et des organisations de l’ile.  Ma foi ne sera jamais trompeuse et je peux vous dire avec beaucoup de certitude que le nouvel Anthony Robbins de l’ile Maurice et de l’Afrique est né.  L’année prochaine je commencerai ma tournée internationale pour l’empowerment de l’Afrique et du monde car nous sommes tous nés pour briller mais certaines personnes sont démotivées et stressées car elles pensent qu’elles seront incapables de réussir leurs rêves et les défis qui les attendent à cause des conditions qui les entourent par exemple, leur richesse financière ou leur pauvreté.  Pour moi, Dieu n’est pas en haut et il vit dans notre esprit à travers le Saint Esprit, ainsi la quête de la perfection doit être une quête constante et mêmes lorsqu’on fait des erreurs il faut se relever vite, chercher le pardon et reprendre le droit chemin qui nous rapprochera chaque jour un peu plus près de Dieu avec un bonheur grandissant.  Il ne faut pas oublier que celui qui renonce d’être meilleur cesse déjà d’être bon.  En ce qui concerne ma lutte, je me battrai jusqu’au bout car pour moi le pardon est sacré et la justice est divine.  D’ailleurs qui est cette personne qui pourra empêcher la justice divine de triompher?  Mon créateur a ses raisons de m’avoir fait avec ma foi, avec mon handicap, tel que je m’aime et que je suis.  Quand l’heure de la justice divine sonnera, les politiciens et les décideurs qui ont favorise les injustices dégringoleront de leur piédestal comme des poussières inutiles et ce jour là le ciel proclamera sa justice car Dieu lui-même est juge (Psaume 50 :6).  Chaque jour sur cette terre le tout puissant fait des jugements et ça continuera pour l’éternité et certains ont vécus ces jugements et renforcé leur confiance alors que d’autres ont tout simplement refusé d’y croire.  Ceux qui ne croient pas aux messages de la lumière peuvent faire comme ils veulent car à la fin ce sera la récolte de ce qu’ils ont semé, ‘It can only be the fruit of their own free will’.
9.      Pourquoi vous demandez aux parlementaires de l’opposition comme ceux de la majorité de venir à l’avant avec des questions parlementaires embarrassantes concernant votre cas à la Sugar Authority et également sur le devoir éthique et morale de l’état de ratifier le protocole optionnel des Nations Unies afin que l’implémentation de vos droits conventionnels puissent devenir une obligation légale ?
Je demande aux parlementaires de l’opposition et de la majorité de poser des questions sur l’ancien syndicaliste Field Officer de la Sugar Authority, sur ses qualifications et son salaire à la Sugar Authority et comment il a fait pour avoir un salaire digne d’un senior manager et combien il a touche en termes d’allocations et d’overtime pour l’implémentation du VRS de l’industrie sucrière.  Je n’ai rien de personnel contre l’officier en question mais ces questions permettront au public de comprendre d’avantage l’ampleur de la discrimination donc j’ai été victime. Selon la loi, toutes les organisations publiques doivent soumettre leurs rapports annuels et où sont les rapports annuels de la MSA de 2005 à 2010 et pourquoi ils n’ont pas été publiés?  Pourquoi l’Ile Maurice n’a toujours pas encore ratifié le protocole optionnel de la Convention des Nations Unies concernant le droit des handicapés?  Quand la ministre Dookhun va-t-elle déclencher les procédures pour la mise en place d’une législation qui va implémenter tous les droits conventionnels des handicapés dans le système légal mauricien?  C’est mon devoir de demander aux députés d’assumer leurs responsabilités par rapport à mes dénonciations et questions car à travers le vécu du Docteur Martin Luther King JR j’ai appris que ‘our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter’.  Enfin, je demande tout simplement aux deputés de ‘Let justice be done though the heaven that may fall’.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

You may be far from being a Paradise but I am maintaining the struggle because I love you Mauritius

Sunday, April 10, 2011


FIRST POSTED ON MY BLOG ON SUNDAY 13th March 2011 Mauritius celebrated its independence yesterday but what we have seen is far from being the whole truth. I am not an anti-patriot and I am disclosing what I feel because I care for my country and I trust that the truth will always be supported by itself. The economic democratization that is supposedly underway since a long time is a real nightmare and the guy has really changed our life (The Equal Opportunities Act is still a big joke in waiting and much more it does not include the implementation of the UN Conventional Disability rights home, POVERTY IS EVERYWHERE AROUND HERE and the rich is becoming richer while the poor poorer, everyday politicians keep taking the people out for a ride in their world of manipulation where they excel in the “FER SEMBLAN GAME”. Education is important for the empowerment of the poor but my request to put up a fund that will promote the empowerment of poor people with the provision of free weekly seminars in Community Centers on wisdom, self motivation, self mastery and self confidence in order to build up the blueprint for overcoming poverty today itself through the raising of a general awareness among the most vulnerable people of our society. Our decision makers should understand that they cannot just say education is important and give free education to vulnerable people, instead they should provide those people the mean to be educated about the secret of success by effective success coaches and give these people the tools that will allow them to understand the need to promote education, cultivate inner human values and a mindset for achieving success within their families. This is the key that will promote a lifestyle based on dedicated hard-work and a will to succeed as a step forward towards poverty elimination. Decisions makers have so far failed to do the above and we are far from being an independent country and our people are slaves of ineffective policy making by mediocre minded politicians. These mediocre minded politicians are masters of misleading people with their evil minded agenda and so beware of them and their sweet speeches. I wish to remind them an extract of the holy bible: “If you do evil and reject the lord’s command he will bring on you disaster, confusion and trouble in everything you do until you are quickly and completely destroyed (Deut 28:20)”. I WANT YOU TO OPEN YOUR EYES MAURITIUS. We need a new beginning with a new breed of highly ethical politicians with deep values to foster the triumph of humanity. It is time for us to say that enough is enough and we should stop political parties alliances which are the root of all evil decisions and above all capitalists should stop from financing them during general elections. THE TRUTH IS THAT GOD KNOWS THAT THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TWO ALLIANCES IN POWER, THE FIRST IS THE ALLIANCES OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES AND THE SECOND IS THE ALLIANCE CAPITALISTS/POLITICAL PARTIES AND THIS IS WHY ELECTORAL PROMISES ARE USUALLY VAIN WORDS………………………..Vous avez dit democratisation de l’economie………………Mais voyons les pauvres n’arrivent pas a se debarrasser de la pauvrete a cause de vos decisions…………………….CRY CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY (I love you Mauritius and we shall overcome someday). Each one of us should keep our struggles for the achievement of our legacy for a successful life because this is god will for us all and remember the holy bible: “Evil actions will cause governments to fall (Wisdom of Salomon 5:23)”

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My new complaint to the ICAC against the Mauritius Sugar Authority

So far everything in my case has been manipulated with regards to my rights and the ignorance of these rights by my employer the Mauritius Sugar Authority (MSA). Moreover it is very difficult to find a reporter who is willing to spread the whole truth in the press. i badly need the matter to reach parliament so that the whole of Mauritius will know the truth. Remember that there are intense corruption behind the bashing of my rights as illustrated in my new complaint letter to the ICAC below. I vow by every oath that my complaint to the ICAC is nothing but the truth. Your support really counts to put pressure and keep the flame of my fighting spirit high. With my faith and your support I shall overcome. Please take a few minutes to read my complaint to the ICAC as follows:

The Chief Investigator
Independent Commission Against Corruption
Marine Road
Port Louis

This Friday 08 October 2010

Dear Sir,

I will first and foremost express my disagreement with your email conclusion regarding my complaint to the ICAC against the Mauritius Sugar Authority (MSA) in a completely extended official complaint letter dated 8th July 2010 which is by far very clear and compelling. I have firm conviction in my complaint and actions. In the light of the fact that my case will definitely reach parliament through parliamentary questions very soon, it is very clear that the truth behind my case is now on the verge of being unveiled publicly. Please note that my case is public by nature and every action taken is being instantly posted on my blog and spread to more than three hundred members of my cause as well as to all my friends on facebook amounting to more than one thousand three hundred, who at their discretion could afford to spread my news to their facebook friends. Thereby allowing me to spread the news regarding my actions to nearly more than ten thousand Mauritians without forgetting my regular press interventions about these injustices in the local press. In the light of the development regarding my case and the fact that the director of the MSA is a former minister, I have every reason to fear the probability of a cover up. I am therefore making a new complaint comprising the logical adjustments to my former complaints that will make it clearer that all major points highlighted are strictly in accordance with the requirement of the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002. With reference to my complaint letters dated 18th June 2010 (Annex 9) and 11th July 2010 (Annex 27), please find below a detailed, complete and enhanced new official written copy of my complaint against the management of the MSA. Kindly note that this copy is a review of the abovementioned complaint letters with the required adjustment whereby all relevant information have been attached for your ease of references adequately.

(2) Hereunder you will probably find all the required information that will inevitably be of utmost importance to help you during your investigation. In relation to section (2)(b)(iii) and section (2)(b)(iv) of the Prevention Against Corruption Act 2002 which define an act of corruption as the abuse of a private or public office for private gain and/or an agreement between two or more persons to act or refrain from acting in violation of a person’s duties in the private and public sector for profit or gain respectively. These two definitions very clearly reflect the treatments that I have been subject at the MSA as highlighted for your perusal below. I have utmost confidence that your investigation will lead you towards establishing the guilt of MSA management for corruption through the malevolent misuse of information in the light of my allegations and the proofs/references put forward with utmost good faith, and this because the questions I am putting forward in relation to this case are compelling and indicative of the alleged fraud. At this stage, due to the fact that the Deputy Executive Director of the MSA lied several times before the enforcement committee of the Ministry of Labour, I am requesting you to keep me informed of all developments during investigation as well as the response of MSA management so that I can help the investigators to see clearer in case they receive misleading information.
(3) The sponsorship issue: My various official requests to the MSA for the allocation of my MBA sponsor was to no avail, and this in spite of the fact that I have notified the MSA management several times that a denial of 100% MBA sponsorship would amount to discrimination. Since December 2004 my requests were subject to the ignorance and fraudulent manipulation of my letters dated 30th December 2004 (Annex 1), 13th September 2005 (Annex 14), 16th July 2006 (Annex 15), 24th May 2006 (Annex 2) and 25 February 2008 (Annex 3). The humanitarian ground issue (Annex 10) to justify the allocation of only 50% sponsor is just a malevolent fraud and illegal eyewash aimed to divert attention from the manipulation of information regarding my application for 100% MBA sponsorship. The laws are here to unveil this injustice and protect me from the constant maintenance of this discrimination with regards to my rights of protection from discrimination relating to the provision of facilities (sponsorship) connected to any employment as enshrined in section (16) (d) of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996 (Annex 4) and section (11)(c) of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (Annex 5). Why only me 50% sponsorship? The law does not allow such discrimination because of my disability, so it will be interesting to know what explanation do they have for this? Why my letters have not been taken back to the Board for approval following my protest regarding the breach of my rights? The MSA management was accountable and duty-bound to take the matter back to the board for approval following my various request and protests. So doesn’t their ignorance and failure to do the needful amount to manipulation of information? Should not their omission be considered as corruption? Why has the current Deputy Executive Director been subject to two promotions in a row allowing him to emerge so quickly from the post of Information scientist to his current position where he is holding two management positions including that of Human Resources Manager at one go? Why have almost every board member been presiding a committee at the MSA when according to the MSA Act the Advisory Committee is the only Committee holding a lawful status? What is the remuneration of these Board Members for presiding these committees? It is very clear that the stand of these board members together with that of the MSA Management give rise to in-depth suspicions about their probable liability under section 11(b) of the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002 whereby it reads: Any public official who accepts or receives a gratification for himself or for any other persons for abstaining from doing or having abstained from doing an act which he alleges or induces any person to believe he is empowered not to do or bound to do in the ordinary course of his function or duty, although as a fact such act does not form part of his functions or duties shall commit an offence. Why there have not been any follow up for the payment of the supposed 50% humanitarian ground sponsorship since April 2006? Why have my letters not been answered? As shown in paragraph 4 of the circular letter dated 18 July 2008 (Annex 11) and my protest in paragraph 3 of my letter to the MSA dated 18th July 2008 (Annex 12), the MSA was misleading and eye-washing in its strategy based on lies in order to divert all attention away from the malevolent and discriminating practices regarding the allocation of sponsorship for training and skill upgrading. How will the MSA management explain the malevolent content of this letter when my MBA sponsorship was illegally manipulated and delayed? With reference to my letter addressed to the new Executive Director of the MSA dated 6th July 2010 (Annex 13), I highlighted the fact that it was decided before the enforcement committee that the matter must be taken back to the board for approval. At this stage I will be grateful if the needful could be done to start in-depth investigations that will in the light of my proofs as supported by the appropriate sections of the POCA Act 2002 highlighted above in order to start the required legal procedures. This will prevent any further corrupt manipulation that may again lead to the breach of my rights. The points identified behind the sponsorship issues are sufficient to constitute the requirement of a case for corruption.

(4) The vacation leaves payment and time off facilities issue: Please note that the enforcement committee of the Ministry Of Labour has decided in relation to my letters dated 19 January 2007(Annex 16), 2nd July 2007 (Annex 17), 18th July 2007 (Annex 18) as well as the letters from the MSA dated 9th April 2007 (Annex 19),16th July 2007 (Annex 20) and the proofs available to justify that I have been subject to discrimination (i.e. the fact that other clerks were allocated time off facilities for study purposes) that: My rights for protection from discrimination regarding the provision of facilities relating to or connected with employment as enshrined in section (11) (c) of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (Annex 5) as well as in Section (16)(d) of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996 (Annex 4) have both been infringed. The committee therefore summoned the MSA to do the needful for:
(a) The time off facilities to be allocated.
(b) A flexible arrangement to be made in order to allow me to fill my leaves form with the required accessibility to the attendance register to ensure fairness on an equal basis with other employees.
(c) The vacation leave payment which is due since 2006 to be paid unconditionally.
Why the MSA management has not considered my rights relating to the allocation of my time off facilities, the filling of my leaves form fairly and the payment of my vacation leaves since 2006, all this despite the fact that I have sent various letters to protest against these injustices? There is not a single doubt that there was manipulation/misuse of information by MSA Management with MSA Board members as accomplices. Why are almost every board member presiding a committee at the MSA? Why have the current Deputy Executive Director been promoted twice in a row and this in almost less than two years? Are not there sufficient young MSA employees having the determination, professional qualification at Master Level and professional competencies like myself to handle the vacant management positions that will make these committees presided by MSA Board members nul and void? Behind all the continuous injustices I have been subject, are not there sufficient proof that the MSA Management has got unconditional support from MSA Board members to do as they wish whereby board members and management together enjoy collateral benefits. Thereby amounting to the criteria to constitute a case for corruption in the light of the fact that these Board members obtain suspicious gratifications for presiding these committees. Due to all the injustices I am subject to, I have every reason to believe that these gratifications are unlawful since they extend the normal remuneration and scope of duties of these board members. Thereby amounting to what constitute an Act of corruption for receiving gratification under Section 11(b) of the POCA Act 2002, whose constitution for committing an offence of corruption is defined in paragraph 3 above.

(5) The promotion issue:
I have been victim of tremendous injustice and discrimination since 2005. The vacant posts I applied for were illegally freezed after the setting up of illegal criteria designed to make me ineligible as shown in the letter of the MSA relating to internal advertisement dated 11 May 2006 (Annex 26) and my letters to the MSA dated 23rd May 2006 (Annex 22) as well as 25 February 2008 (Annex 3). The MSA management was illogic, malevolent in their illegal act of submitting me to injustices whereby all doors leading towards promotions were closed for me since I was asked fifteen years of clerical experience for a promotion to the post of Executive Officer that is just above that of clerical officer. These fifteen years of experiences were definitely designed to make me ineligible since I was the most able and qualified clerical officer. The delay for the filling of these posts is just a malevolent eye-washed since other form of career advancement through restyling occurred. As highlighted by the Mauritius Sugar Authority Employees Union (MSAEU) in its letter addressed to MSA management on 24/06/2010 (Annex 6): The former Executive Director of the MSA had recourse to independent assessor whereby the main objective was to safeguard the interest of some blue eyed employees who have showed allegiance to him, and this at the expense of meritocracy, qualification, justice, logic and fairness. Thereby jeopardizing the central engine of the organizational operations structure (Organigram) of the MSA. The intensive discrimination I was subject could be explained by the fact that some officers enjoyed facilities equivalent to eye-washed promotion. A reliable example is this field officer who in spite of not having the required qualifications for his former position has got the privilege of positive discrimination measures as well as eye-washed promotion through the restyling of his former post. After a first salary increase/monthly allocation of MUR 3000 he was subject to an unbelievable monthly allocation of 50% of his salary representing an equivalent allocation of more than 25 increments together with other benefits. On the other hand I was subject to tremendous exclusion and discrimination within an apartheid-like jungle. In spite of my disability rights as a disabled, I am subject to continuous discriminations and disability rights are being applied inside out with the field officer mentioned above who has no disability but continue to benefit from positive discrimination measures. Much more than this, in a letter addressed to the Barrister at Law of the Union Me D.Ramano on 31 July 2007 (Annex 23), I was surprisingly not picked up by management to fill the post of Scientific officer IT Social project but the blue eyed officer was targeted for a second promotion towards a post that have never existed (Senior Field Officer). Much more he don’t even have the qualification for a clerical officer. If I was not victim of discrimination, in my capacity as the most qualified, able, competent, brilliant and promising clerk within the MSA, I would have been restyled documentation clerk together with empowerment through the allocation of strategic and innovative responsibilities that would have allowed me to put my hard earned competencies and qualification at the service of the documentation department so as to modernize the operations of information and documentation management within the MSA in order to enhance and maximize organizational effectiveness. Instead I was subject to a systematic and discriminative exclusion while the organizational structure relating to the Information System and Knowledge Management have been left to a stand still with a clear lack of competencies, creativeness and innovation, all these are reflected in the documentation department and the registry who are both left and forced to operate within the ancient bureaucratic model.

So why I have not been given additional responsibilities and restyled as Information Scientist? Restyling is without doubt a form of career advancement or a form of promotion and it is illegal to deny me this in relation to section 16(1)(b) of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996 (Annex 4) and section 11(d) of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (Annex 5) . What criteria did MSA management use for the selection of employees eligible for the allocation of responsibilities as a mean of empowerment for restyling?(PETIT COPAIN? Random selection? Qualifications? What are the qualifications of officers who have been restyled? Were not there other employees with better profile in term of qualifications, competencies and dedication to handle further responsibilities? It should not be forgotten that I was malevolently excluded for experience through empowerment as shown by the letter of the MSA dated 11 December 2007 (Annex 24). This again is illegal. Why have the vacant posts not been filled since 2006? On what ground were these vacant posts freeze? Were the board members agreeable to freeze these vacant posts? If yes why? Was there any manipulation of information at the heart of this promotion issue? These questions will inevitably lead towards establishing the extent to which the misuse of information has spread throughout the operations of the MSA, thereby leading to the illegal discrimination and maladministration in my case. Again the major points are very clear: all these would not have been possible if the MSA Management has not enjoyed the empowerment to do as they wish with the complicity of MSA Board members who altogether are subject to the enjoyment of collateral benefits that constitute the requirement to suspect corruption as shown in paragraph 3 and 4 above.

I have in the light of my qualification, merits and competencies applied for the now vacant post of Information Scientist as highlighted in my letter dated 6thJuly 2010 (Annex 13) and the MSA Board should be accountable for a reply. If I am not selected, they should state why not?
Please note that the content of all my correspondence to the ICAC are made public through online means in less than 24 hours. I am doing this because this is the only way to spread the truth and I want the matter to reach the parliament in due course. I am hereby requesting you Sir to do the needful in order to allow the ICAC to undergo an in depth investigation to confirm my allegation and thereby undertake appropriate action so as to ensure that the will of the state to fight against corruption for the prosperity of our motherland, is not without effect.

I am also to request you to do the needful for capable investigators to handle the issue because I have firm belief in my conviction that there is corruption and I am not satisfied with the conclusion of former investigators because my complaint is clearly in accordance with the POCA Act 2002.

I thank you in anticipation.

Best Regards

Mervyn Anthony CM, MBA

My new complaint to the ICAC against the Mauritius Sugar Authority

So far everything in my case has been manipulated with regards to my rights and the ignorance of these rights by my employer the Mauritius Sugar Authority (MSA). Moreover it is very difficult to find a reporter who is willing to spread the whole truth in the press. i badly need the matter to reach parliament so that the whole of Mauritius will know the truth. Remember that there are intense corruption behind the bashing of my rights as illustrated in my new complaint letter to the ICAC below. I vow by every oath that my complaint to the ICAC is nothing but the truth. Your support really counts to put pressure and keep the flame of my fighting spirit high. With my faith and your support I shall overcome. Please take a few minutes to read my complaint to the ICAC as follows:

The Chief Investigator
Independent Commission Against Corruption
Marine Road
Port Louis

This Friday 08 October 2010

Dear Sir,

I will first and foremost express my disagreement with your email conclusion regarding my complaint to the ICAC against the Mauritius Sugar Authority (MSA) in a completely extended official complaint letter dated 8th July 2010 which is by far very clear and compelling. I have firm conviction in my complaint and actions. In the light of the fact that my case will definitely reach parliament through parliamentary questions very soon, it is very clear that the truth behind my case is now on the verge of being unveiled publicly. Please note that my case is public by nature and every action taken is being instantly posted on my blog and spread to more than three hundred members of my cause as well as to all my friends on facebook amounting to more than one thousand three hundred, who at their discretion could afford to spread my news to their facebook friends. Thereby allowing me to spread the news regarding my actions to nearly more than ten thousand Mauritians without forgetting my regular press interventions about these injustices in the local press. In the light of the development regarding my case and the fact that the director of the MSA is a former minister, I have every reason to fear the probability of a cover up. I am therefore making a new complaint comprising the logical adjustments to my former complaints that will make it clearer that all major points highlighted are strictly in accordance with the requirement of the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002. With reference to my complaint letters dated 18th June 2010 (Annex 9) and 11th July 2010 (Annex 27), please find below a detailed, complete and enhanced new official written copy of my complaint against the management of the MSA. Kindly note that this copy is a review of the abovementioned complaint letters with the required adjustment whereby all relevant information have been attached for your ease of references adequately.

(2) Hereunder you will probably find all the required information that will inevitably be of utmost importance to help you during your investigation. In relation to section (2)(b)(iii) and section (2)(b)(iv) of the Prevention Against Corruption Act 2002 which define an act of corruption as the abuse of a private or public office for private gain and/or an agreement between two or more persons to act or refrain from acting in violation of a person’s duties in the private and public sector for profit or gain respectively. These two definitions very clearly reflect the treatments that I have been subject at the MSA as highlighted for your perusal below. I have utmost confidence that your investigation will lead you towards establishing the guilt of MSA management for corruption through the malevolent misuse of information in the light of my allegations and the proofs/references put forward with utmost good faith, and this because the questions I am putting forward in relation to this case are compelling and indicative of the alleged fraud. At this stage, due to the fact that the Deputy Executive Director of the MSA lied several times before the enforcement committee of the Ministry of Labour, I am requesting you to keep me informed of all developments during investigation as well as the response of MSA management so that I can help the investigators to see clearer in case they receive misleading information.
(3) The sponsorship issue: My various official requests to the MSA for the allocation of my MBA sponsor was to no avail, and this in spite of the fact that I have notified the MSA management several times that a denial of 100% MBA sponsorship would amount to discrimination. Since December 2004 my requests were subject to the ignorance and fraudulent manipulation of my letters dated 30th December 2004 (Annex 1), 13th September 2005 (Annex 14), 16th July 2006 (Annex 15), 24th May 2006 (Annex 2) and 25 February 2008 (Annex 3). The humanitarian ground issue (Annex 10) to justify the allocation of only 50% sponsor is just a malevolent fraud and illegal eyewash aimed to divert attention from the manipulation of information regarding my application for 100% MBA sponsorship. The laws are here to unveil this injustice and protect me from the constant maintenance of this discrimination with regards to my rights of protection from discrimination relating to the provision of facilities (sponsorship) connected to any employment as enshrined in section (16) (d) of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996 (Annex 4) and section (11)(c) of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (Annex 5). Why only me 50% sponsorship? The law does not allow such discrimination because of my disability, so it will be interesting to know what explanation do they have for this? Why my letters have not been taken back to the Board for approval following my protest regarding the breach of my rights? The MSA management was accountable and duty-bound to take the matter back to the board for approval following my various request and protests. So doesn’t their ignorance and failure to do the needful amount to manipulation of information? Should not their omission be considered as corruption? Why has the current Deputy Executive Director been subject to two promotions in a row allowing him to emerge so quickly from the post of Information scientist to his current position where he is holding two management positions including that of Human Resources Manager at one go? Why have almost every board member been presiding a committee at the MSA when according to the MSA Act the Advisory Committee is the only Committee holding a lawful status? What is the remuneration of these Board Members for presiding these committees? It is very clear that the stand of these board members together with that of the MSA Management give rise to in-depth suspicions about their probable liability under section 11(b) of the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002 whereby it reads: Any public official who accepts or receives a gratification for himself or for any other persons for abstaining from doing or having abstained from doing an act which he alleges or induces any person to believe he is empowered not to do or bound to do in the ordinary course of his function or duty, although as a fact such act does not form part of his functions or duties shall commit an offence. Why there have not been any follow up for the payment of the supposed 50% humanitarian ground sponsorship since April 2006? Why have my letters not been answered? As shown in paragraph 4 of the circular letter dated 18 July 2008 (Annex 11) and my protest in paragraph 3 of my letter to the MSA dated 18th July 2008 (Annex 12), the MSA was misleading and eye-washing in its strategy based on lies in order to divert all attention away from the malevolent and discriminating practices regarding the allocation of sponsorship for training and skill upgrading. How will the MSA management explain the malevolent content of this letter when my MBA sponsorship was illegally manipulated and delayed? With reference to my letter addressed to the new Executive Director of the MSA dated 6th July 2010 (Annex 13), I highlighted the fact that it was decided before the enforcement committee that the matter must be taken back to the board for approval. At this stage I will be grateful if the needful could be done to start in-depth investigations that will in the light of my proofs as supported by the appropriate sections of the POCA Act 2002 highlighted above in order to start the required legal procedures. This will prevent any further corrupt manipulation that may again lead to the breach of my rights. The points identified behind the sponsorship issues are sufficient to constitute the requirement of a case for corruption.

(4) The vacation leaves payment and time off facilities issue: Please note that the enforcement committee of the Ministry Of Labour has decided in relation to my letters dated 19 January 2007(Annex 16), 2nd July 2007 (Annex 17), 18th July 2007 (Annex 18) as well as the letters from the MSA dated 9th April 2007 (Annex 19),16th July 2007 (Annex 20) and the proofs available to justify that I have been subject to discrimination (i.e. the fact that other clerks were allocated time off facilities for study purposes) that: My rights for protection from discrimination regarding the provision of facilities relating to or connected with employment as enshrined in section (11) (c) of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (Annex 5) as well as in Section (16)(d) of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996 (Annex 4) have both been infringed. The committee therefore summoned the MSA to do the needful for:
(a) The time off facilities to be allocated.
(b) A flexible arrangement to be made in order to allow me to fill my leaves form with the required accessibility to the attendance register to ensure fairness on an equal basis with other employees.
(c) The vacation leave payment which is due since 2006 to be paid unconditionally.
Why the MSA management has not considered my rights relating to the allocation of my time off facilities, the filling of my leaves form fairly and the payment of my vacation leaves since 2006, all this despite the fact that I have sent various letters to protest against these injustices? There is not a single doubt that there was manipulation/misuse of information by MSA Management with MSA Board members as accomplices. Why are almost every board member presiding a committee at the MSA? Why have the current Deputy Executive Director been promoted twice in a row and this in almost less than two years? Are not there sufficient young MSA employees having the determination, professional qualification at Master Level and professional competencies like myself to handle the vacant management positions that will make these committees presided by MSA Board members nul and void? Behind all the continuous injustices I have been subject, are not there sufficient proof that the MSA Management has got unconditional support from MSA Board members to do as they wish whereby board members and management together enjoy collateral benefits. Thereby amounting to the criteria to constitute a case for corruption in the light of the fact that these Board members obtain suspicious gratifications for presiding these committees. Due to all the injustices I am subject to, I have every reason to believe that these gratifications are unlawful since they extend the normal remuneration and scope of duties of these board members. Thereby amounting to what constitute an Act of corruption for receiving gratification under Section 11(b) of the POCA Act 2002, whose constitution for committing an offence of corruption is defined in paragraph 3 above.

(5) The promotion issue:
I have been victim of tremendous injustice and discrimination since 2005. The vacant posts I applied for were illegally freezed after the setting up of illegal criteria designed to make me ineligible as shown in the letter of the MSA relating to internal advertisement dated 11 May 2006 (Annex 26) and my letters to the MSA dated 23rd May 2006 (Annex 22) as well as 25 February 2008 (Annex 3). The MSA management was illogic, malevolent in their illegal act of submitting me to injustices whereby all doors leading towards promotions were closed for me since I was asked fifteen years of clerical experience for a promotion to the post of Executive Officer that is just above that of clerical officer. These fifteen years of experiences were definitely designed to make me ineligible since I was the most able and qualified clerical officer. The delay for the filling of these posts is just a malevolent eye-washed since other form of career advancement through restyling occurred. As highlighted by the Mauritius Sugar Authority Employees Union (MSAEU) in its letter addressed to MSA management on 24/06/2010 (Annex 6): The former Executive Director of the MSA had recourse to independent assessor whereby the main objective was to safeguard the interest of some blue eyed employees who have showed allegiance to him, and this at the expense of meritocracy, qualification, justice, logic and fairness. Thereby jeopardizing the central engine of the organizational operations structure (Organigram) of the MSA. The intensive discrimination I was subject could be explained by the fact that some officers enjoyed facilities equivalent to eye-washed promotion. A reliable example is this field officer who in spite of not having the required qualifications for his former position has got the privilege of positive discrimination measures as well as eye-washed promotion through the restyling of his former post. After a first salary increase/monthly allocation of MUR 3000 he was subject to an unbelievable monthly allocation of 50% of his salary representing an equivalent allocation of more than 25 increments together with other benefits. On the other hand I was subject to tremendous exclusion and discrimination within an apartheid-like jungle. In spite of my disability rights as a disabled, I am subject to continuous discriminations and disability rights are being applied inside out with the field officer mentioned above who has no disability but continue to benefit from positive discrimination measures. Much more than this, in a letter addressed to the Barrister at Law of the Union Me D.Ramano on 31 July 2007 (Annex 23), I was surprisingly not picked up by management to fill the post of Scientific officer IT Social project but the blue eyed officer was targeted for a second promotion towards a post that have never existed (Senior Field Officer). Much more he don’t even have the qualification for a clerical officer. If I was not victim of discrimination, in my capacity as the most qualified, able, competent, brilliant and promising clerk within the MSA, I would have been restyled documentation clerk together with empowerment through the allocation of strategic and innovative responsibilities that would have allowed me to put my hard earned competencies and qualification at the service of the documentation department so as to modernize the operations of information and documentation management within the MSA in order to enhance and maximize organizational effectiveness. Instead I was subject to a systematic and discriminative exclusion while the organizational structure relating to the Information System and Knowledge Management have been left to a stand still with a clear lack of competencies, creativeness and innovation, all these are reflected in the documentation department and the registry who are both left and forced to operate within the ancient bureaucratic model.

So why I have not been given additional responsibilities and restyled as Information Scientist? Restyling is without doubt a form of career advancement or a form of promotion and it is illegal to deny me this in relation to section 16(1)(b) of the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act 1996 (Annex 4) and section 11(d) of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (Annex 5) . What criteria did MSA management use for the selection of employees eligible for the allocation of responsibilities as a mean of empowerment for restyling?(PETIT COPAIN? Random selection? Qualifications? What are the qualifications of officers who have been restyled? Were not there other employees with better profile in term of qualifications, competencies and dedication to handle further responsibilities? It should not be forgotten that I was malevolently excluded for experience through empowerment as shown by the letter of the MSA dated 11 December 2007 (Annex 24). This again is illegal. Why have the vacant posts not been filled since 2006? On what ground were these vacant posts freeze? Were the board members agreeable to freeze these vacant posts? If yes why? Was there any manipulation of information at the heart of this promotion issue? These questions will inevitably lead towards establishing the extent to which the misuse of information has spread throughout the operations of the MSA, thereby leading to the illegal discrimination and maladministration in my case. Again the major points are very clear: all these would not have been possible if the MSA Management has not enjoyed the empowerment to do as they wish with the complicity of MSA Board members who altogether are subject to the enjoyment of collateral benefits that constitute the requirement to suspect corruption as shown in paragraph 3 and 4 above.

I have in the light of my qualification, merits and competencies applied for the now vacant post of Information Scientist as highlighted in my letter dated 6thJuly 2010 (Annex 13) and the MSA Board should be accountable for a reply. If I am not selected, they should state why not?
Please note that the content of all my correspondence to the ICAC are made public through online means in less than 24 hours. I am doing this because this is the only way to spread the truth and I want the matter to reach the parliament in due course. I am hereby requesting you Sir to do the needful in order to allow the ICAC to undergo an in depth investigation to confirm my allegation and thereby undertake appropriate action so as to ensure that the will of the state to fight against corruption for the prosperity of our motherland, is not without effect.

I am also to request you to do the needful for capable investigators to handle the issue because I have firm belief in my conviction that there is corruption and I am not satisfied with the conclusion of former investigators because my complaint is clearly in accordance with the POCA Act 2002.

I thank you in anticipation.

Best Regards

Mervyn Anthony CM, MBA